Just a little update

Well, no I haven’t fallen off the blog planet…I know I have not visited many of your blogs and commented and please don’t think less of me. I am starting to feel a little bit better, but still continue to get sick a lot. My hormones are the worst-they have literally exploded all over my face this weekend..ha..ha..!!! Tomorrow I get to go for my 12 week ultrasound and hopefully will see something that resembles an actual baby! I am so excited! I always dreamed of getting pregnant and savoring this time….and everyone keeps telling me it will get better into the second trimester and I just pray and hope it does….because honestly it’s been tougher than I ever thought it would be so far emotionally, physically, and mentally. Next weekend we go house hunting and I am excited to try and find something so that my family can come stay with us after the baby is born. One of my best friends Kristin and two of her kids came to visit this weekend and stayed in a hotel, and I wish we had enough room for them at our place so they didn’t have to pay for a hotel, but soon hopefully we will have a room for lots of friends and family to come stay. It’s another 100 degree + day today…..grin and bare it!

Love yuns! Thank you for the prayers and love….Becky

19 thoughts on “Just a little update

  1. Gosh, I really hope you feel better! I’ve never been pregnant, but I know I will be someday and I know I’ll have to go through all of this… So I do have sympathy for you, but in the end… It will all be worth it! ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Glad things are starting to get a little better! Hope the second trimester gets a lot better! My friend whose baby just turned 1, was the same way. She was sick and emotional and just struggled a lot through the first trimester but she said she LOVED the second trimester so hopefully it will be the same for you!

    Good luck with house hunting!

  3. oh..i hear ya..I had horrible skin at the beginning too!

    It does get better…but I still get sick about once a day.

    Hope you find a house!!

  4. I know exactly how you are feeling. I’m two weeks ahead of you so I just hit the second trimester on Saturday. I literally was on the couch everyday last week, puking, not able to eat and today I feel like my old self. Hang in there…you should feel much better in 2 weeks. First trimester is the worst! Well that and maybe the last week or two. ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. I’m glad that you’re starting to feel a little better Becky! Good luck house hunting. You guys will find the PERFECT one for both of you and the baby! = )

  6. I found your blog through another blog…Congrats on your pregnancy! I had terrible nausea the first 4 months of my pregnancy. I called it “all day sickness”. It will pass soon. Good luck ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. I hope it gets better soon!! I was sick with the twins until I was about 14 weeks along, so hopefully your sick time is coming to an end. Plus, being pregnant in the summer is for the birds; the weather really does make a difference. I hope you feel better soon!

  8. I hope it gets better soon!! I was sick with the twins until I was about 14 weeks along, so hopefully your sick time is coming to an end. Plus, being pregnant in the summer is for the birds; the weather really does make a difference. I hope you feel better soon!

  9. I know exactly how you are feeling. I’m two weeks ahead of you so I just hit the second trimester on Saturday. I literally was on the couch everyday last week, puking, not able to eat and today I feel like my old self. Hang in there…you should feel much better in 2 weeks. First trimester is the worst! Well that and maybe the last week or two. ๐Ÿ™‚

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