Oh moving…let me count the ways!

It is inevitable though and it’s going to happen sooner or later. My Dad was in the Army growing up so we moved some as a kid, but not a whole lot. Bon and I were born in Germany, moved to Oklahoma for a few years, and then to Kansas, then in 1989 (much to my Mom’s delight!) we moved back home to Arkansas. We stayed with my Nannie and Papa….oh those days were nice and we were spoiled rotten! We loved staying with Nannie and Papa…only we had to fight Papa over the remote because we were Disney Channel addicts and he was a Western Channel guy himself. Oh we used to moan when Papa would watch those westerns…but what I wouldn’t give just to sit there and watch a western with him right now!

We then moved to Conway, AR and I stayed there until Terence and I got married and we moved to Little Rock Air Force Base in Jacksonville. We spent the next 5 years of marriage stationed there and it was great for us while we were newlyweds. Soon after Terence’s enlistment ended we intended to move into an apartment in Maumelle while he finished his undergrad. Well, the apartments were not ready so we moved in with MY Mom and Dad for a couple months! Then we moved into our apartment where we stayed for another two years. After that we decided to make the big move back to Terence’s homestead, Fort Worth, TX. A temporary living arrangement at his folks house became a permanent arrangement for almost the next two years….and here we are now…..ready to move yet AGAIN!

The good thing is all of our stuff has been in storage and is already packed and ready to go! The bad news is I have forgotten what is IN all those boxes and what goes with what. I’m sure I’ll re-discover old items I forgot I had or little sentimental things I thought weren’t worth unpacking. It will probably be fun!

I’m excited to move…very much!
Now where will we move in the next month or so????
I HAVE NO IDEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(And I hate not having an idea….just ask Terence…he can NEVER
surprise me…I always crack him and he knows it!)
Stay tuned….

(I know I’ve posted this picture before…but everytime we move I remember our

FIRST move together almost 8 years ago to start our married life together!)

18 thoughts on “Oh moving…let me count the ways!

  1. Oh, how exciting! Can’t wait to hear what the Lord has in store for you next.

    (My oldest lived in Maumelle with my brother a year and a half ago while he worked at a plant in Jacksonville. Small world.)

  2. Very exciting! I’ve only moved once about 15-20 minutes away from our old house! We stayed with both sets of grand parents while building our house & my sister and I were pretty spoiled also! Can’t wait to find out where you’re next destination will be! =]

    โ™ฅ Jordan

    PS: Your new background is very cute!

  3. It’s funny – I’ve always thought the unpacking is the best part… which is weird because I hate packing! HA!

    It will be so nice to find your own place and settle in… and I have to say that I really admire the fact that you’ve been able to live with both sets of parents and everyone has lived to tell the tale. ๐Ÿ™‚ Our families… I think would have a different outcome.

  4. awww, I just love that picture! Moving is always exciting. I’m excited to hear where you are going! It’s always fun moving to a new place. I’m so eager to see where we will be next! That’s also nice that you have the majority of it in storage!

    Happy Friday!

  5. man, i can SO relate to this post!!! we are living with the in-laws only until the beginning of june but we have not a clue to where we are moving once we get to tulsa. we have ALOT to do in the next six weeks.

    so you are talking about moving, so does that mean that he for sure got the job???

    i pray we both find the perfect place for our families quick – its perfect, cheap & has everything on our wish list!!!

  6. Hi Becky – you were chosen as the winner of the Starbucks gift card at Eighty MPH Mom! I can’t find your email address anywhere, so I hope you get this! Please reply to me within 72 hours with your mailing address – thanks!

    mandjregan [at]gmail [dot]com

  7. man, i can SO relate to this post!!! we are living with the in-laws only until the beginning of june but we have not a clue to where we are moving once we get to tulsa. we have ALOT to do in the next six weeks.

    so you are talking about moving, so does that mean that he for sure got the job???

    i pray we both find the perfect place for our families quick – its perfect, cheap & has everything on our wish list!!!

  8. It’s funny – I’ve always thought the unpacking is the best part… which is weird because I hate packing! HA!

    It will be so nice to find your own place and settle in… and I have to say that I really admire the fact that you’ve been able to live with both sets of parents and everyone has lived to tell the tale. ๐Ÿ™‚ Our families… I think would have a different outcome.

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