Meeting Nicole :)

While Bonnie and I were in Arkansas we had the chance to meet up with one of our blog friends, Nicole. She is SO precious! We just love her! She drove two hours to come see us for the afternoon and we had a blast. I’m so glad we were able to meet and I can’t wait until our next visit. I only wish our other BFF Summer was there πŸ™ We talked about her all day and how we wished she was with us! These girls have been a rock for me and Bon, as we all are struggling with infertility right now. I feel so blessed God brought you both into my life and am so thankful for your friendships….Love, Becky

Nicole gets a Becky and Bonnie sandwich

kisses!Eating Mexican food πŸ™‚

Thank you Nicole and we can’t wait to see you again SOON!

21 thoughts on “Meeting Nicole :)

  1. those are some great pictures! that is so cool to meet a blogging friend. i hope to be able to do that someday!

  2. Wow Becky, it looks like you had a blast! I enjoyed seeing all of your pictures. This summer I hope to get to meet up with a blog friend too. How exciting. πŸ™‚

    Hugs and blessings,

  3. Those are cute!

    BTW: Have you read Midnight Sun? I’ve been meaning to ask you that for a while but kept forgetting! lol

  4. Looks like y’all had a fun time together. What a blessing that God has placed y’all in each other’s lives for encouragement through your struggles. Praying that He would grant all of you the desires of your heart.

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