
Well, just wanted to update everyone on our current status as far as where we will be in the coming months. I don’t think the law school plan is going to work out (which I am kind of happy about) the idea of 4 more years until Terence would finish school makes me nauseous a little bit.

We are both looking for T jobs around the DFW area in the mean time, only right now is NOT a good time to be job hunting! I wanted to ask if you all would pray for us that God will provide…I worry a lot about what’s going to happen…if you haven’t noticed that yet! I have faith the Lord will provide and I know everything will fall into place.

Also, there has been talk of Terence re-enlisting in the military as an officer. He would only have to put in 15 more years and be able to retire with all the benefits. So I think we are going to think about that option too. I liked military life, the only part I didn’t care for was when Terence was away from me, other than that the free health benefits and the pay are great!

Terence is in the middle of finals/mid-terms this week so it’s been pretty stressful and I have been de-stressing at the gym with Julie. (Despite all the chocolaty food posts lately-I STILL am going to the gym about 4 times a week ya’ll!) So whatever!!! I want instant results, but I know it will take awhile to see them. The point is I am starting to feel better and have more energy and get into “baby” shape!

Well-Happy “hump” day everyone! I am going to sit here and finish my Starbucks and I hope you all have a great Wednesday!

XOXO – Becky

11 thoughts on “Updates

  1. I feel ya on the stress. If you havent read my blog yet you’ll understand once you read it. This economy is horrible & our plans are changing too. I’ll keep you in my prayers!! – Les

  2. I will be praying for you. I bet that you feel better though knowing a little more direction even though it isn’t a ton. YOu are amazing and deserve the best!

  3. Praying for your future – I can imagine it’s very stressful trying to figure it all out. God will provide.

  4. Thank you for stopping by my blog…and I love yours BTW. I will be praying that God will give you and your husband direction!!

  5. Becky – It’s fun to see your blog after you found mine….I think we have a lot in common. I have to admit that I’m a little jealous of yall being in Texas…we miss it! As far as the your future in the AF, I’m afraid I don’t have anything to compare our time to…it’s all we’ve known. But I can say that it has been wonderful and you can bloom anywhere you’re planted (not to be too incredibly cliche). With your previous experience I think you’d be fine. More than fine…you’d probably be an asset to the other wives anywhere you went – I know at times I need perspective from someone who’s “been there and done that”, and I think you’d have a chance to really minister to people. You have an excellent support system, from what I’ve read ๐Ÿ™‚ and you can count on my prayers as well. Keep me posted!

  6. I am praying for y’all as make these big decisions and job hunt. I really like being an officer’s wife. Jay has only deployed once since we’ve been married, although I think our next duty station might be on a ship so he’ll be gone a couple of times?? I can’t wait to see what God has in store for you!

  7. I am praying for y’all as make these big decisions and job hunt. I really like being an officer’s wife. Jay has only deployed once since we’ve been married, although I think our next duty station might be on a ship so he’ll be gone a couple of times?? I can’t wait to see what God has in store for you!

  8. Thank you for stopping by my blog…and I love yours BTW. I will be praying that God will give you and your husband direction!!

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